Food can become contaminated in various ways and by various factors, in most cases, it happens accidentally due to the “incorrect” or not very “careful” handling of food operators, during processing stages .

Food-grade belts can play a significant role in eliminating risks. Conveyor belts are one of the few plastic items that are allowed direct contact with food and are usually used for hours on end without being cleaned and with the possibility of exposure to dangerous pathogens.

Food contamination can be of three distinct types:

CHEMICAL: food is polluted by chemicals such as insecticides, fertilizers or pesticides.
PHYSICAL: contamination occurs through interference with radioactive substances.
BIOLOGICAL: food is affected by micro and macro organisms, such as parasites, bacteria and viruses.

Better than any other type of conveyor belt, thermoplastic food belts are the only true monolithic plastic product that promotes improved hygienic conditions, reducing bacterial load and ensuring more hygienic food products.

Here you can find the list of OUR STANDARD PRODUCTS as FOOD GRADE BELTS; Each product has is own features and the data sheet in English version is also available.


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